var ID_CLEAN_SYSTEM="Take desired action on the spyware and click on 'Clean System'";
var ID_NO_SPYWARE_FOUND="No Spyware has been found";
var ID_REMOVE_ALL_THREATS="Remove All Infections";
var ID_RESTORE_POINT_XP="Create Restore Point (Windows XP only)";
var ID_PERIOD="Period:";
var ID_DAILY="Daily";
var ID_WEEKLY="Weekly";
var ID_MONTHLY="Monthly";
var ID_ONCE="Once";
var ID_AT_SYSTEM_START="At Startup";
var ID_AT_LOGON="At Logon";
var ID_START_TIME="Start time:";
var ID_SCHEDULE_TASK_DAILY="Schedule Task Daily:";
var ID_EVERY="Every";
var ID_DAYS_S="day(s)";
var ID_SCHEDULE_SCAN_WEEKLY="Schedule Scan Weekly:";
var ID_WEEKS_ON="week(s) on:";
var ID_MON="Mon";
var ID_TUE="Tue";
var ID_WED="Wed";
var ID_THU="Thu";
var ID_FRI="Fri";
var ID_SAT="Sat";
var ID_SUN="Sun";
var ID_SCHEDULE_SCAN_MONTHLY="Schedule Scan Monthly:";
var ID_DAY="Day";
var ID_OF_THE_MONTH="of the month";
var ID_THE="The";
var ID_FIRST="First";
var ID_SECOND="Second";
var ID_THIRD="Third";
var ID_FOURTH="Fourth";
var ID_LAST="Last";
var ID_MONDAY="Monday";
var ID_TUESDAY="Tuesday";
var ID_WEDNESDAY="Wednesday";
var ID_THURSDAY="Thursday";
var ID_FRIDAY="Friday";
var ID_SATURDAY="Saturday";
var ID_SUNDAY="Sunday";
var ID_SCHEDULE_SCAN_ONCE="Schedule Scan Once:";
var ID_RUN_ON="Run On:";
var ID_SCHEDULER_OPTIONS="Scheduler Options";
var ID_AUTO_QUAR_SPYWARE="Automatically quarantine spyware";
var ID_DISPLAY_SCAN_PROGRESS="Do not display scan progress";
var ID_DONOT_DISPLAY_SCAN_RESULT="Do not display scan result";
var ID_PM="PM";
var ID_AM="AM";
var ID_LAST_TIME_EXECUTED="Last time executed:";
var ID_NEVER="Never";
var ID_CURRENT_SCHEDULE="Current schedule:";
var ID_CURRENT_DATE="9 november 2006:00:00";
var ID_EXECUTED="Executed:";
var ID_EXECUTED_COUNT="0 times";
var ID_TOTAL_QUARANTINE="Total Spyware Quarantined:";
var ID_LAST_QUARANTINE="Last Quarantine On:";
var ID_NO_QUARANTINE_EXISTS="No Quarantined Items were found.";
//Scan History
var ID_TOTAL_SCAN="Total Scan:";
var ID_NO_LOG_LIST="No log list has been found.";
var ID_VIEW_FULL_DETAILS="View full details";
var ID_DELETE_SCAN_HISTORY="Delete the selected scan history";
var ID_TOTAL_SPYW_IGNORED="Total Spyware Ignored:";
var ID_IGNORE_LIST="No Ignored Items were found.";
var ID_TOTAL_RESTORE="Total Deleted Items:";
var ID_LAST_RESTORE="Last Deleted:";
var ID_NO_RESTORE_LIST="No Deleted List.";
var ID_NO_RESTORE_EXISTS="No Deleted Items were found.";
var ID_MONITOR_DETAILS="Guard Details";
var ID_DEACTIVATE="Deactivate this Guard";
var ID_ACTIVATE="Activate this Guard";
var ID_MANAGE_ALLOWED="Manage Allowed / Blocked";
//Blocked Events
var ID_BLOCKED_EVENTS="Blocked Events";
var ID_TOTAL_ITEMS="Total Blocked Events:";
var ID_NO_EVENT_FOUND="No Events have been found.";
//All Events
var ID_TOTAL_EVENTS="Total Events:";
//Block Programs
var ID_BLOCK_EXEC_PROGRAMS="Block Program will prevent execution of all the programs added to its block list. You can add any number of programs to the list. The program blocked by you is not removed but is rendered inactive. On running blocked program a message is displayed, informing the user, that the operation is restricted. Block Programs also helps in blocking intrusions to Windows Registry, Control Panel and various other system settings using certain restrictions and policies.";
var ID_PROG_BLOCK_RUN="Program blocked from running";
var ID_PROGRAM="program";
var ID_LOGOFF_LOGON="You need to logoff and logon for changes to take effect.";
var ID_SHOW_SPLASH="Show Splash screen on Startup";
var ID_START_SYSTEM="Start on System startup";
var ID_DO_NOT_SCAN="Do not display scan result summary window";
var ID_NOTIFY_FORUPDATES="Notify when updates are available";
var ID_BLOCKED_ALERTS="Blocked Alerts";
var ID_BLOCKED_ALERTS_SECU_MONITOR="Blocked alerts occur when Security Guards prevents a change to your computer.";
var ID_ENABLE_BLOCKED_ALERTS="Enable Blocked Alerts";
var ID_ALLOWED_ALERTS="Allowing Alerts";
var ID_ALLOWED_ALERT_PREVT_CHANGES="Allowed alerts occur when Security Guards prevents a change to your computer.";
var ID_ENABLE_ALLOWED_ALERTS="Enable Allowed Alerts";
//Real Time
var ID_REAL_TIME_SEC_MONT="Real-Time Protection (Security Guards) settings";
var ID_REAL_TIME_ANTISPY_DETALIS="Real-Time protection from spyware attacks.";
var ID_ENABLE_SECURITY_MONITORS="Enable Security Guards (Recommended)";
var ID_SCRIPT_BLOCKING_OPTIONS="Script Blocking Security Guards Options";
var ID_SCRIPT_BLOCKING_PREVENTS="Protect your computer from the attacks of unknown script written in a VBScript, JScript or JavaScript languages. Malicious program can also be written using scripting languages that can lock your computer; change your homepage, redirect to a malicious Website or can act worse.<br>Select an action to be taken when a script executes on your computer.";
var ID_ASK_ME_WHATTODO="Ask me what to do (Recommended)";
var ID_AUTO_PREVNT_SCRIPTS="Automatically prevent all scripts from running";
var ID_ALLOW_ALL_SCRIPTS_RUN="Allow all scripts to run";
var ID_SECURITY_RESTRICTIONS="Security Restrictions";
var ID_DISABLE_REG_EDITOR="Disable Registry Editor";
var ID_DISABLE_CTRL_PANEL="Disable Control Panel";
var ID_DISABLE_TASK_MANAGER="Disable Task Manager";
var ID_DISABLE_LOCK_WORKSTATION="Disable Lock Workstation";
var ID_DISABLE_CHANGING_PWD="Disable Changing Password";
var ID_DISABLE_MENU_ON_TASKBAR="Disable Menu on Taskbar";
//System Overview
var ID_LOADING_WAIT="Loading Please Wait.......";
var ID_LAST_SCAN="Last Scan";
var ID_LAST_SCAN_RESULT="Last Scan Result";
var ID_SCAN_SCHEDULE="Scanning Schedule";
var ID_REAL_TIME_PROTECTION="Real-Time Guards";
var ID_AUTO_UPDATER="Online Updater";
var ID_LATEST_SPYWARE_DEF="Latest Spyware Definitions:";
var ID_SPYERASER_VER="SpyEraser Version:";
var ID_SPYWARES_FOUND_DATE="Spyware Infections Found To Date:";
var ID_SPYWARES_ERASED="Spyware Infections Erased:";
var ID_REGISTER_TODAY="Register Today and Optimize Your PC for Top Performance!";
var ID_SYSTEMCARE_PUNCH="For maximum system security, performance and stability-upgrade to Power Suite!";
////////script file
var ID_NO_SCAN="No scan has been performed yet.";
var ID_ALL_DET_LOC="View all detected spyware locations ...";
var ID_HIDE_DETAILS ="Hide these details ...";
var ID_LOW_THREAT="Low Threat";
var ID_MODERATE="Moderate";
var ID_ELEVATED="Elevated";
var ID_HIGH="High";
var ID_SEVERE="Severe";
var ID_PE="Previously Ignored";
var ID_QUA="Quarantined";
var ID_REMOVED="Removed";
var ID_TYPE="Type:";
var ID_THREAT_LEVEL="Threat Level:";
var ID_SPY_DESC="Description :";
var ID_ADVICE="Advice :";
var ID_FILE="File";
var ID_PATH="Path:";
var ID_SIZE="Size:";
var ID_PUBLISHER="Publisher:";
var ID_MD="MD5:";
var ID_DATE="Date:";
var ID_PROCESS="Process";
var ID_PID="Pid:";
var ID_FOLDER="Folder";
var ID_REGKEYVAL="Regkeyvalue";
var ID_ROOTKEY="Root Key:";
var ID_VALUE="Value:";
var ID_DATA="Data:";
var ID_COOKIE="Cookie";
var ID_SPY_DETECTED="Spyware Detected:";
var ID_SPY_REMOVED=" Spyware Removed:";
var ID_SPY_QUA=" Spyware Quarantined:";
var ID_SPY_IGN=" Spyware Ignored:";
var ID_OCC="Occurred on:";
var ID_ABOUT="About ";
var ID_DEACTIVATED="Deactivated.";
var ID_DISABLED="Disabled On:";
var ID_DETAILS="Details:";
var ID_NAME="Name:";
var ID_ACTIVE="Active";
var ID_INACTIVE="Inactive";
var ID_STATUS="Status:";
var ID_STARTUP="Start with Windows. ";
var ID_WINLOGON="Starts at Windows Logon.";
var ID_NO_QUARANTINE_LIST="No quarantine list has been found.";
var ID_INF=" Infections ";
//About Page
var ID_PRODUCTNAME="SpyEraser";
var ID_VERSION="Version";
//Action Confirm
var ID_REMOVE="Remove";
var ID_IGNORE="Ignore";
var ID_ALWAYS_IGNORE="Ignore Always";
var ID_ITEMS="items";
var ID_PERFORM_ACTION="Confirm your actions for the detected spyware?";
var ID_SUBMIT_COMM="Submit to Community";
var ID_REM_ACTION="Remember this action";
var ID_WHAT_LIKE="What would you like to do?";
var ID_MANAGE_ALLOWED_ALERT="Manage Allow and Block list";
var ID_REALTIME_NOTICE="Uniblue Spy-Eraser Real Time Notice";
var ID_SPYERASER_WORKAROUND="SpyEraser has detected a program trying to run itself on your system.<br>Workaround: It might not be spyware threat, but we recommend you to scan your PC for spyware.";
var ID_NO_ITEM="No items to manage";
var ID_MNG_ALLOW="Allowed ";
var ID_MNG_BLOCK="Blocked ";
var ID_SELECT_ALLOWED_BLOCKED="Select from the Allow/Block Alerts list";
var ID_BROWSER_HEALPER_OBJECTS="Browser Helper Objects";
var ID_TO_MANAGE="to manage";
var ID_BELOW_LIST_ALL="Select the alerts to manage.";
var ID_ALLOWED_BROWSER_HELPER="allowed Browser Helper Objects";
var ID_ITEMS_REMOVE="(Select the above items and click 'Remove')";
var ID_THANK="Thank you for your interest in SpyEraser 1.1!";
var ID_PURCHASE="To Purchase SpyEraser and optimize your system for peak performance,<br>please click the 'Purchase Online' button below.";
var ID_SERIALNUMBER="Please enter your Serial Number and click 'Activate Now' below to activate the full version:";
var ID_SOME_POTENTIAL="Some potentially <b>unwanted programs</b> have been found on your computer.";
var ID_SPYWARE_THREATS="Spyware Infections Detected";
var ID_MEMORY_PROCESS_RESULT_SCANNED="Memory Process Scanned";
var ID_MEMORY_PROCESS_RESULT_INFECTED="Memory Process Infected";
var ID_FILES_RESULT_SCANNED="Files Scanned";
var ID_FILES_RESULT_INFECTED="Files Infected";
var ID_REGISTRY_KEYS_RESULT_SCANNED="Registry Keys Scanned";
var ID_REGISTRY_KEYS_RESULT_INFECTED="Registry Keys Infected";
var ID_COOKIES_RESULT_SCANNED="Cookies Scanned";
var ID_START_SCAN_TIME="Start Scan Time";
var ID_END_SCAN_TIME="End Scan Time";
var ID_TOTAL_SCAN_TIME="Total Scan Time";
var ID_DISPLAY_WINDOW="Do not display this window again";
var ID_SCANNING_CATEGORY="Scanning Category";
var ID_THREATS_DETECTED="Infections Detected";
var ID_ANTISPYWARE_EXPIRED="Uniblue SpyEraser evaluation version has expired.";
var ID_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED="As the subscription to the software has expired.";
var ID_FUNCTIONALITY_ANTISPYWARE="Please register to obtain feature rich version of SpyEraser.";
var ID_REGISTER_YOUR_SYSTEM="Uniblue SpyEraser evaluation version has been expired. Subsequently Real-Time protection feature in the program has been disabled. Please click Register to obtain feature rich version of SpyEraser to keep your computer safe.";
var ID_INTEREST_SPYERASER="Thank You for Your interest in Uniblue SpyEraser!";
var ID_LIVE_GUARDS_NOT="The Live Guard fetaure is not available in the trial version."
var ID_PURCHASE_SPYERSAER="To Purchase SpyEraser and remove all unwanted spyware infections, please click on the 'Purchase Online' button below.";
var ID_TOTAL_FOUND="Total Infection Found:";
var ID_SPYWARE_INFECTIONS="Spyware infections";
var ID_TRIAL_VERSION="Trial Version Removal:";
var ID_TRIAL_VERSION_ALLOW="This Trial Version Only Allows You To Scan Your System";
var ID_REMAINING_INFECTIONS="Remaining Infections:";
var ID_PURCHASE_FULL_VERSION="Purchase the Full Version to Remove all";
var ID_INFECTION="Infections.";
var ID_AUTO_UPDATE="Auto Update Status";
var ID_UPDATING="Updating";
var ID_SPYWARE_DATABASE_SOFTWARE="spyware database and software";
var ID_PLEASE_WAIT="Please wait while updates are beeing downloaded and applied...";
var ID_CHECKING_FOR_NEW="Checking for new spyware database updates....";
var ID_CHECKING_FOR_NEW_SOFTWARE="Checking for new software updates....";
var ID_DO_NOT_DISPLAY="Display admin dialog"
var ID_SHOW_UNKNOWN= "Show alerts for softwares not recognized by SpyEraser"
//var ID_WINDOW_MESSANGER="Windows Messenger Service is Running";
//var ID_ANTISPYWARE_ADVICE="A toolbar trying to install itself on your system has been detected by SpyEraser. \nAdvice: Though this spyware threat is not known as of now, you might want to analyze this program before either allowing or blocking it.";
//var ID_REALTIME_STATUS="38 of 38 Guards Active"; //priya wil confirm
//var ID_ONLINE_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION="Its time to keep intact with the updated version of the product you are using and be notified to be updated spyware definition available. The SpyEraser Online Updater will compare the spyware definitions installed on your system and the one available on the Online Updater Server. It will automatically check and download the latest definitions, if the notification is accepted. Launching of Spyware and variants in the air is a consistent phenomenon these days. Therefore our technical squad keeps a check on all the spyware threats that are into the market and update our servers regularly. We highly recommend that Online Updater is checked regularly to keep your data safe.";
//var ID_NOTIFY_FORME_UPDATES="Notify when updates are available";
//var ID_VERSION_DETAILS="Version Details";
//var ID_DOWNLOAD_DATE="Downloaded Date";
//var ID_CURRENT_MODULE="Current Module";
//var ID_DATE_STATIC="06/07/22";
//var ID_REAL_VI="V1.2";
//var ID_ANTISPY_DETALIS="Start Security Guard automatically when you reboot your computer.";
//var ID_GENERAL_SETTINGS="General Settings";
//var ID_IGNORE_ALWAYS="Ignore Always";
//var ID_VIEW_DETECTED_LOCATIONS="View all detected locations";
//var ID_ALERTS="Alerts";
//var ID_GENERAL="General";
//var ID_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES="Check For Updates";
//var ID_PC_SCAN="No scan has been performed yet.";
//var ID_NO_SCAN_PERFORMED="No scan has been performed yet";
//var ID_CLOSE="Close";
//var ID_WEBSITE="Website :";
//var ID_EMAIL="E-mail :";
//var ID_PUNCHLINE="This computer program is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to maximum extent possible under the law.";
//var ID_ACTION="Do you want to take following actions on the detected spyware?";
//var ID_YES="Yes";
//var ID_NO="No";
//var ID_POWERX_ANTISPYWARE_EXPIRED="Uniblue SpyEraser evaluation version has expired.";
//var ID_REGISTER_FUNCTIONALITY="Please register to obtain feature rich version of SpyEraser.";
//var msgInvalidEmail = "Invalid Email Address!";
//var msgInvalidDate = "Invalid Date! Date should be entered in MM-DD-YYYY format.";
//var msgInvalidName = "Invalid characters in the name!";
//var msgInvalidMonth ="Invalid Month!";
//var msgInvalidYear ="Invalid Year!";
//var msgInvalidDay ="Invalid Day!";
//var ID_ACTIVATION_KEY="Activation Key is required to remove spyware.";